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Showing posts with the label CRYPTO CURRENCY

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Latin America warms up to Cryptocurrency

  Latin America warms up to Cryptocurrency From saving to remittance, payments and lending: you name it, LATAM countries are using crypto for it as citizens look for a way to counter sometimes shaky national currencies struggling to hold their own against the US dollar. Given this fertile soil, it’s no wonder blockchain companies are making a beeline for Latin America and the untapped potential it holds for genuine crypto adoption. Source: Grit Daily Crypto adoption is spreading in Latin America (LATAM). The region, which runs from the Caribbean islands all the way to the Argentinian peninsula, comprises some 650 million people and makes up 13% of the Earth’s land surface. And throughout its thronged cities, vibrant towns, and mountainous rural areas, cryptocurrency is taking root as digital assets are starting to be used to solve everyday problems. The LATAM region has been making significant strides in its efforts to bolster crypto adoption and blockchain innovation, with...